2. アイテム
  3. Kakeroma Island Bus Herbs

Kakeroma Island Bus Herbs

Once upon a time, I met old men who lived at the foot of Mt. Ibuki, which is famous for herbs. Everyone, I was surprised that the skin on my face was shiny and young! When I asked him, he said, “I’m in a herbal bath and I’m fine without any illness.” I was impressed.

So I actually put island herbs such as mugwort, shell ginger, and needles on the island in the bath and tried them. Bath herbs are made by selecting and blending herbs made from natural materials that are especially warm and warm.

After taking a bath, the feeling of warmth lasts for more than an hour, and it feels good even if you go out under the cold sky.

It was impressive that the night with bath herbs not only relaxed but also made me sleep better than usual.

Please feel the power hidden in medicinal herbs while enjoying the faint scent.

アイテム name
Kakeroma Island Bus Herbs
Click here to purchase (in preparation)